Tired Of Not Making Enough Money In Your Lash Business?

Uncover the ingenious techniques that will lead you to $10K+ lash revenues EVERY month!

Limited Time Offer 80% OFF Only $500 $97!


Been Operating

Does This Sound Like You?

No systems, no real strategy. Basing your prices and business set up off of what you see your competitors doing. No idea how to brand, or how to attract the clientele that you want. Running sales every week and posting cute flyers hoping to get more clients. Working hard and not seeing the benefits? Spending hours creating social media content and getting little to no engagement? Not making enough to pay the bills? DON'T worry! I was you! And now I have the systems to move you from a career of pain to pleasure.

  • ​​Do you feel like... you're trying everything but nothing is working for you?

  • Does it seem... No one has the answers?

  • Are you frustrated with... spending hrs creating content but not seeing the bookings?

  • ​​And when it comes down to it, do you... feel like you have big goals, and no idea how to reach them?


I've got EXACTLY what you need!

I've been a lash tech for many years, and I've perfected the systems to have your business moving seamlessly. The truth is, you absolutely need strategy, you can't expect to move forward without it. In the high of my career I made $17k/mos as a lash tech working 40hrs/wk before tips, that's $204K a YEAR! Now, I own a commercial building that houses my salon, I have a house, a brand new paid for vehicle, an almost million dollar lash e-commerce brand, a multi- 6figure training business, and I still make $104K a year doing lashes part time. This is not to brag, but to show you the possibilities of what a systemized lash business can do. I'm here to give you an UNFAIR advantage. What took me almost 10yrs to learn and hundreds of thousands of dollars, will be yours in 3hrs for just $97! It's time to make some REAL MONEY!

In This $10K Session I Will Teach You To:

  • Develop a PREMIUM pricing STRATEGY!

  • ​​ Booking site best practices, that will convert visitors into clients! And increases monthly profits!

  • Create a BRAND STRATEGY that CONVERTS lookers into BOOKERS!

  • Strategies to convert your lash business into a lash machine!

  • ​Make more money, in less time!

Limited Time Offer 80% OFF Only $500 $97!

Customer Reviews!

We've Got the RECEIPTS...

If you could have done it on your own, you would have. Now is the time! Let us give you the keys. I've coached thousands of women to 6-figure lash careers. Now let me coach YOU!

I Want the VIP!

Want the MOST VALUE? Book our VIP EXPERIENCE! Our VIP Package includes:

  • $10K Mastery pre-recorded Session

  • ​Business strategy check list!

  • LIVE 1-on-1 30min STRATEGY CALL!

  • ​Access to the PRIVATE $10K Facebook Community

  • ​Downloadable VIP get money Mastery Badge!

WAS $1000 NOW ONLY $297!


Get Started Today 100% Risk-Free

We're SOOOO confident in our coaching, that I will PERSONALLY give you your money back if you don't find this session valuable. We'll help you make sooo much money that this training is basically free. Can't wait to see the results!

- Kristin Nicole

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